„Maxar hat eine Fülle neuer hochauflösender Satellitenbilder gesammelt, die die Schäden an russischen Munitionsdepots im Westen Südrusslands zeigen. Beginnend mit den Vorher-/Nachher-Aufnahmen der Munitionslagergebäude im Oktyabrski-Depot.“ – George Barros



  1. Qubecoiseman on

    Its this one [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1fmrrx7/radio_liberty_is_publishing_new_highresolution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/1fmrrx7/radio_liberty_is_publishing_new_highresolution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


    it is an entier thread I will add the links for those who do not wish to use twitter later

  2. Kooky_Ad_2740 on

    Seeing trees just bent over completely in a circle around a crater the size of warehouse is pretty insane.

  3. Zilla56789 on

    Shame, seems a few survived in the bottom of the last photo. Hopefully melted or to risky enough to be used.

  4. _ead_etween_he_ines on

    It looks the trees didn’t have a damn clue which way to fall!
    It also looks like one of the bigger craters/explosions is on the second set of photos (Picture #4) on the right side along the rail lines where it appears a train used to be, now just a single carriage remains.

  5. Tis but a scratch.

    If this is how the depots look like after Ruzzian AA intercepted all of the drones, just imagine the carnage once one of them gets through.

  6. Very good to see. Thousands of lives are saved with every destroyed depot.

  7. data_dude1981 on

    Pictures 2, 4 and 6 are of poor quality: don’t see depots on this pictures 🤪

  8. data_dude1981 on

    Pictures 2, 4 and 6 are of poor quality: don’t see depots of this pictures 🤪

  9. data_dude1981 on

    Pictures 2, 4 and 6 are of poor quality: don’t see depots of this pictures

  10. For gods sake, what for the fucking hell did the Ukrainians thrown at it? It’s completely swept away, everything gone, nothing left. What kind of weapons were they? I mean, sure, one depot set the next one on fire, and you see firebreaks from time to time, but all in all: what did they use?

    That is a truly impressive result.

  11. Common-Ad6470 on

    These bunkers would have been well protected, it’s quite terrifying how extensively they’ve all been completely destroyed.

    It’s like every single one has been hit with it’s own ‘bunker buster’ penetrator which is equally impressive.

  12. Damn that was a good hit. Right where it hurts and they didn’t pull the punch at all. Complete obliteration. Wish this would happen to the entire Russian arsenal.

  13. wheresindigo on

    It’s amazing how poorly designed and constructed those armory bases were. The storage buildings are way too close and the revetments don’t actually provide protection from adjacent buildings. Just dogshit.

    I’m glad they’re incompetent

  14. Available_to_History on

    This is the difference between conducting a war and just terrorise the living hell out of people

  15. Ron_DeSatanist on

    Not a *single* brick left in any of those after shots. Beautiful strike. Slava Ukraini!

  16. RealSuggestion9247 on

    Unless one or several good hits cooks off the others it would appear that Ukraine has upped both their qualitative and quantitative deeper strike capabilities. In these strikes and the others.
    One might be tempted to think there are some recently released western weaponry. Particularly as Ukraine previously have not targeted such targets with effect. Are we seeing western tech released for pure military targets such as depots, logistics etc? Hopefully.

    All whilst Ukraine gripes (rightfully so) about the weapon limitations as well as lack of volume of assets.

  17. asdhjasdhlkjashdhgf on

    without the neat dug mounds around it you would not even think it was a stockpile.

  18. RipTheJack3r on

    I did a double take… i didn’t expect literally everything to have exploded.

    Strikes like this will win Ukraine the war. Keep blowing up everything they have. Amazing work.

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