Russisches Kriegsschiff feuerte auf norwegisches Fischerboot


  1. Apprehensive-Neck487 on

    “The incident took place on Thursday 12 September in the Barents Sea north of Vardø in the Norwegian economic zone.”

    The fishermen did not want to move, as they had lines to haul. That’s when warning shots were fired.

    They turn on the typhoon fog alarm for about 15 seconds to get our attention. Then he fires a cannon somewhere in the lake. Our hull slams violently and shakes. After the crash, we agreed to go west, says Orten to FriFagbevegelse.

    “The department of defense is familiar with the confrontation. They state that Norwegian vessels are not obliged to leave the area in the Norwegian economic zone when there are military exercises.

    The Russian embassy in Oslo has stated that they are not aware of the incident.”

  2. Chance_Gur7169 on

    Russia is looking for a way to drag NATO directly into the war so that they can say to their people “we have no choice but give up the SMO as it is 33 countries against 1… We have no choice but to negotiate….We are focusing on defensive inside russia against this existential threat”

    The shame it will bring to admit Ukraine didn’t fall is too unbearable for putler.

  3. I would think Russia might have learned from the last time they did this kind of thing but Russia keeps surprising me with their bizarre decision-making.

  4. It’s the Russian baltic fleet adventure again! just tell them they are not Japanese war ships.

  5. ancientweasel on

    Why are these tough ass ruzzians and chineze always picking on unarmed fisherman?

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