Zusätzliches und qualitativ hochwertigeres Filmmaterial von der Zerstörung einer russischen S-400-Batterie mit ATACMS-Raketen in der Nähe von Klenivka, Oblast Donezk [archival, 23.05.2024]



  1. CupCharacter853 on

    The story of this incident can be found [here] (https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/09/23/7476325/) (english, also quoted below) or a bit more detailed [here](https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2024/09/23/7476288/) (ukrainian).

    Location is 47.71403921795016, 38.255653403104276

    >The 15th Separate Artillery Reconnaissance Brigade (Black Forest) has shown footage of its successful work in destroying a Russian long- and medium-range S-400 Triumph air defence missile system. The event itself took place in the spring, but Ukrainska Pravda is posting the video for the first time.

    >Source: Ukrainska Pravda article, “Eyes of the gods: how the artillery reconnaissance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine leapt forward in destroying the Russian so-called ‘unparallelled system’ and S-400” (English translation to follow shortly)

    >Details: Kostiantyn, a platoon commander of unmanned aerial systems from the 15th Separate Artillery Reconnaissance Brigade (Black Forest), stated that while it was not difficult to locate the Russian S-400, it was challenging to strike it.

    >This is because the S-400 is typically protected by a number of less powerful air defence systems tasked with destroying all reconnaissance drones.

    >The commander stated that they had a general idea of where weaknesses in the Russian defences might exist. However, it was not ruled out that the Russians might have had some electronic warfare systems that they were unaware of prior to the mission. As a result, the operators’ stress increased with each kilometre of drone flight.

    >The first drone flying to strike the S-400 system was shot down by the Russians.

    >Quote: “Actually, sending a second drone was a dumb move. Because if you were shot down for the first time, the enemy is operating in active mode. It’s unlikely that they’d sit still and think: ‘Ah well, this one was shot down; let’s go rest’. The probability of this happening is minimal, no more than a coincidence,” Kostiantyn explained.

    >But Kostiantyn said the crew went through with this “dumb” decision, launched the second drone into the air, and it broke through the defences, leaving the drone operators impressed and pleased to see the S-400 system on the screen.

    >Quote: “In certain areas, there are S-300s and S-400s, which are constantly performing manoeuvres and movements. And no one touched them because they were far enough away from the front lines – and they were quite at ease [since the Russians were under the impression that Ukrainian forces would not reach them – ed.].

    >Usually, the Russians keep launchers, radar stations and command posts separate. But they were so brazen that they placed everything together. We saw this on the screen and said to ourselves, ‘It can’t be possible.’ But it was. And we had no choice but to deliver one blow to the entire division.”

    >He added that this Russian equipment turned out to be quite good: the S-400 was even able to intercept some missiles fired at it. But the rest made it to the target and burned down the Russian so-called “unparallelled system”.

    >Kostiantyn said that their drone was shot down on the way to the base with a Russian Pantsir air defence system.

    >”It is a pity that the drone was shot down. But it had accomplished its mission. This story is not the only one we have. We destroyed not only an S-400, but also an S-300 and an S-350,” he concluded.

  2. Gman90sKid on

    Flying drones right over the enemy’s “most advanced” air defence is one hell of a flex

  3. grantite_spall on

    Served in Air Defense Artillery many, many years ago. Always interested in how air defense systems can be engaged and defeated in a shooting war.

  4. Sakana-Metal on

    DAyum!! 6 rounds and they still got their asses handed to them. Gotta love Russian tech. Talk about ineffective…. HIMARS for the win…again!

  5. We are sometimes lulled into thinking this is “easy” and that all RuZZian Systems are crappy. Some are not. The Ukrainians can’t just push buttons – this requires strategic thinking and clever tactics. I am learning this is often not checkers but 3-D chess.

  6. Stripedpussy on

    From all the fields to pick lets pick the one that makes us stand out for miles

  7. Capital-Ad2469 on

    You can imagine the rising panic as they realise that they’re sending missiles but more are getting through.

    ‘Send a missile, another….another, *Blyat send* ***everything!’***

  8. No-Butterscotch4946 on

    Dildo of Consequence got it’s money’s worth I’d venture to say.

  9. harrie_balsack on

    Superior russian SS400 AA system successfully intercepted 100.000 capitalistic imperial marbles.

  10. Alive-Category5976 on

    Why don’t they have any Wal Marts in Russia? Because in Russia they’re all Targets.

  11. Hourofthegoat on

    You know when you start watching a video and within the first 3 seconds you just know it’s going to be your new favourite video?

  12. DadOfThreeHelpMe on

    I wouldn’t say it escalated quickly, but when it did, it DID.

  13. You can see them launch interceptors and apparently even succeed in downing some of the missiles. Regardless this one will be remembered as the little S-400 that couldn’t.

    Multiple launch units and a radar so tightly grouped they all got taken out by single ATACMS. This should be tagged NSFW not because of gore but because of it containing destruction porn.

  14. Relevant_Donkey_4040 on

    One of those videos where you’d expect Lt. Frank Drebin to show up: “Nothing To See Here!”

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