Befürchtungen einer schnellen Ausbreitung des XEC-Covid-Stammes, nachdem viele seit langer Zeit nicht geimpft wurden

Von pppppppppppppppppd


  1. ignorant_tomato on

    I think I’ve picked this up over the weekend.

    I’m absolutely DYING

  2. Broccoli--Enthusiast on

    probably what half the people i know have had over the last few weeks, kicked my arse 2 weeks ago and still got a cough that pops up.

  3. Jackster22 on

    People have had it in my house hold and were out for over a week. I just felt a bit tired for 2 days. That is it.

  4. whybotherb on

    Coming up to that time of year innit where colds are doing the rounds. Or don’t we get colds anymore?

  5. Happy_llama on

    This is the first time I ever had Covid, (got it around Wednesday last week) I’m on the mend but yea feels like a very bad cold

  6. Been using the government approved cheese and wine vaccine working perfectly

  7. HistoricalConstant57 on

    Covid is the biggest scam in history. Fucking XEC, might as well take some XTC

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