Russische Jets verletzen lettischen Luftraum, NATO schickt Kampfflugzeuge in Alarmbereitschaft

    Von UNITED24Media


    1. This sort of stuff CAN’T be happening in the Baltics otherwise we will end up with a repeat of what happened in the Balkans in the lead up to WW1. It only takes one place, and currently that region is looking the most unstable; the major European countries have treaty’s that bind them to assisting in the case of an invasion and escalation is way, way too close with stuff like this happening.

    2. I as Finn enjoy Russian air space violations as little as Anyone else, but the **headline of the article is wrong**. Even by the articles own explanation. Russian Jets didn’t violate airspace. They flew transponders off in international airspace. Behavior which isn’t nice, but neither is it illegal. NATO scrambles always for these pretty much to act as secondary radar beacons “here next to me are the rude Russian aircraft with their transponders off, that are not visible to civilian secondary radar”.

      Separately there was suspicion of air space violation…. which turned out to be a flock of birds crossing the border…. …. ….

    3. just shoot this shit down and the little man in kremlin will do nothing

    4. AcanthocephalaEast79 on

      If airspace violation is not immediate ground for shooting down, your sovereignty is a joke.

    5. “Shoot them down! Shoot them down!”

      >Earlier, on September 17, the Latvian Ministry of Defense reported the detection of an unidentified aerial object near the Latvian-Belarusian border, which later crossed into Latvia’s Kraslava region. NATO patrol fighters were deployed from the Lielvarde Air Base to investigate, but no suspicious objects were found in Latvian airspace. The unidentified object turned out to be a flock of birds.

      “Didn’t make it to the last sentence of the paragraph. In too deep now…Shoot them down! Shoot them down!”

    6. Clickbait titles and redditors who can’t read, name a better duo.

    7. Would actually be nice of they shoot them down immediately. The less jets they have the less harm can be done.

    8. wombat6168 on

      Until one of these planes are shot down the ruzzians will keep pushing to see how far they can go while recording NATO response times

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