Ein russischer Soldat bekommt Besuch von einer FPV-Drohne, die nicht explodiert. In Panik versucht er, sich mit einem Ziegelstein davor zu schützen, wird jedoch von einer zweiten Drohne angegriffen. Video der 56. motorisierten Brigade



  1. Cannon fodder with no education and only a diet of Nazi propaganda to eat

  2. Confuseduseroo on

    Holy shit. Look at the fear on that guy’s face. And so focussed on #1 he doesn’t even see #2 coming. Lights out.

  3. Temporary_Potato_312 on

    He was still trying to poke it with a stick when the other drone showed up

  4. Late_Singer_7996 on

    I could say poor bastard but he knew where he is going. He came to kill an capture. Not in this life moscovian Orc.

  5. Naive_Radish_446 on

    I like how redditors commenting here with 200% sure that russians in this videos wasn’t mobilised.

  6. Mundane_Catch_1829 on

    He should of surrendered after the first one. Pushed his luck.

  7. ScandinavianCake on

    The holy brick of Antioch…. sadly he forgot to count to 5!

  8. HideSolidSnake on

    Is it safe to say the 2nd drones explosion triggered the first?

  9. Dubious_Odor on

    It’s amazing there is still concern trolling going on about the  poor poor mobiks. After Kursk we know it’s possible for Russian troops to surrender if they want to. Plenty of interviews of pow’s saying they didn’t want to fight. This guy could likely have thrown up his hands and surrendered if he wanted to. If Russian soldiers are not surrendering then they are on the field are there to kill Ukranians plain and simple. Doesn’t matter how they got there.

  10. cybernoid1808 on

    He would still be alive if he didn’t listen to Pootin. Rest in pieces.

  11. Jonny_Zuhalter on

    Cost of 1 Russian soldier: $50

    Cost of 2 armed drones: $5000

    That “oh shit” moment when he looks over his shoulder and realizes he’s fucked? Priceless…

  12. Creative-Loveswing on

    Dude looks old. I almost feel bad for some of these guys sometimes cause can’t help but think maybe they don’t have a choice but this is war and at the end of the day… Ukraine trying to keep their freedom from an extremely aggresive commie dick-taster that ultimately censors you, takes away your freedom and rights as a human being. Disagree and you fall out of windows or get poisoned with plutonium .. Fuck… That.

    Glory to Ukraine.

  13. Brosideon1020 on

    I always think the scene from Saving Private Ryan “lucky bastard” when the first one fails and the second one is lights out

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