SEVENTEEN – 12. Mini-Album „SPILL THE FEELS“ (Konzeptfoto – Ver.1 FEEL NEW)


  1. ForgottenNoMore on

    Damn they definitely stepped up the concept pic game this era.. Although the styling is pretty simple, this format feels so unique

  2. alltherach_ on

    wow did pledis hire a new creative team? i’m loving how much more experimental and creative the concept photos for this comeback have been.

    (the whitewashing can go though, please and thank you)

  3. flawedconstellation on

    they finally learned how to make ikea furniture and white walls interesting through the power of weird shapes and canva & adobe photoshop 🤩🤓

  4. CoffeeNirvana on

    I love the simplicity with this version also love how technically it’s not too many pictures. I like how the members are dressed in black but they have like a unique object with them and it really makes it all pop with the white background. Woozi kinda blending in with the background 😭💀 I think Dino’s is definitely my favourite, love the contrast with the red.

    Edit: A carat pointed out that on Instagram it’s a bit different, they have like a black film border and it looks a lot better with all the members in a IG feed format instead of just looking at the individual pics, I recommend checking it out.

  5. svt_cappuccino on

    ofc it can’t be a svt comeback without the ikea concept pics 🤩 foolish me had her hopes up because of the underwater teaser pics, but pledis will do what pledis does!

  6. I see somebody in the creative team woke up mad as hell, because these are easily their most interesting teasers in years(?). I wish we got more pics though!

  7. tsukiaurora on

    * This hair color looks so good on S.Coups!
    * What are the objects supposed to represent? Do they have any special meaning? I couldn’t identify the thing on Jeonghan’s image.
    * The purple car pops up nice in Woozi’s image.
    * Blonde DK? And why did I think he was Dino for a second???
    * I can sit next to you, Seungkwan, if you want.

    Overall, I love this set!

  8. PlacePuzzleheaded982 on

    How many version will this album have???? I’m still trying to figure out the vibe of this album. The concept pics are not helping.

  9. lanaMyersuk on

    KNEW I should not have got my hopes high after those beautifulver 0 photos . This is giving NOTHiNG . I’m so tired of pledis atp

  10. Both the hair and makeup are from Maestro era. So this is gonna be like conclusion to Maestro?

  11. I’m so tired of how low effort pledis is. White background, boring props, bad plain styling, bad composition, bad editing with mistakes like Jeonghan and Jun white spots . Not one bit of creativity. Pledis never tries despite how much money svt brings them, their entire profit probably.
    The cherry on top is some of the outfits being from the Maestro MV despite the version being called FEEL NEW. It’s like Pledis is taking the piss at this point

  12. scarcrossedlovers on

    genuinely their worst teasers yet.. if there’s one thing pledis is good at it’s killing comeback hype

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