Ein russischer Soldat bewertet die Ergebnisse der Arbeit der ukrainischen Dragon-Drohne in der Region Kursk.



  1. caveTellurium on

    Nice Uniform. Special bonus for the shoes. Handbag is a killer sale at Harrod’s I heard.

  2. PsychologicalLet674 on

    These are the “soldiers” western countries are afraid to fight 😂

  3. screenrecycler on

    Very lucky man after taking a dump a few dozen meters from the trench at just the right time.

  4. _Godless_Savage_ on

    He looks like he’s about to turn around and wave like forest gump and say “heeeeeeyyyyyy” in a very non hetero kind of way lol

  5. Whatdoyoubelive on

    When I see this, I think to myself: everything they need is to overcome the frontline in some point. Once they are through, Russia would be screwed! Morals low, command is bad, communication is difficult so a resistance is hard to organize & ineffective. The kursk offensive should also have included the city of Kurs, at least endangering it, take contact & take the initiative in ambushes around the city.

  6. ballrus_walsack on

    Are those slides on his feet? Did he just come back from the spa?

  7. Saved his shower kit and shower shoes, must feel pretty lucky he was struck with an urge to shit at the right time so he was nowhere near the badabadaboom.

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