Pro-ukrainische Tschetschenen greifen einen russischen Schützengraben mit Drohnen an und töten 3-4 Besatzer (NSFW)

Von Aedlo


  1. Prometheus013 on

    Good on them! Supporting the right Sid E

    Poor dudes who got blowed up….

  2. HereIGoAgain_1x10 on

    I legit thought those were bricks of explosives they were gonna use lol

  3. At the begining I tought that they are going to be dropping bricks at them.

  4. BreadstickUpTheBum on

    At first I thought they were going to drop bricks on them

  5. Nice, I lived enough to see ghovta khenti used in dron warfare propaganda, a great son by Imam Alimsultanov

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