Selenskyj: „Wir haben Amerika vor einem totalen Krieg bewahrt“

Von UNITED24Media


  1. No offense to Zelensky, but no he hasn’t.

    Even a direct conflict with Russia wouldn’t put the US into a total war situation.

    ***edit:*** apparently stating a fact about Russia’s inability to fight a war across any large theatre against the largest military and economy on the planet is now Russian propaganda…. This sub has become pathetic over the past year.

  2. TheManWhoWeepsBlood on

    Hero of our time. Hope to meet him one day… Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  3. dangerousbob on

    If Russia breaks them they are going to keep going. This is so obvious. The War fever will be insane.

  4. Thank you. Sorry we (US collectively) aren’t seeing that and saying so more clearly and substantially.

  5. Nihiliatis9 on

    They most certainly did not. I would say the only way he is still alive to say this is because of our money and toys.

  6. Gotta love the balls to say that, but America’s military being the best in the world by a huuuuge margin that can logistically move and sustain multiple theaters of war keeps others from starting shit.

  7. I_wood_rather_be on

    Zelensky will be known to history as the man that made Ukraine relevant in the world while fighting an invasion of Orcs.

  8. Redneck1026 on

    Ukraine is fighting this war to keep their nation, not for the US or anyone else. But the US has fought so many wasted wars, arrogantly thinking we could spread democracy to tribal hyper-religious countries. And of course, for oil and resources. Spending thousands of lives and trillions in treasure to no good end. So finally, here is a war that not only opposes an enemy we would have someday fought anyway, but is for all the right reasons. A fledgling democracy united in defending itself against unprovoked, brutal aggression, on the doorstep of the EU.

    My point is that President Zelenskyy should not have to beg for arms. He should not have to try to justify why we should help Ukraine. It should be so obvious that it is in western interests in every way, including the principles America repeatedly said it stands for. Do we stand for anything now?

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