1. He’s treating this country like it’s his property. You can’t just create a state inside a state on a whim without even asking people.

  2. d2mensions on

    Rama can’t wake one day and think “I should create a country inside Albania”. It’s not his property. It’s probably illegal, why should Albania lose territory?

  3. HeizGuderian on

    Skllavopronari dhe sklleverit. Per mua ta fitoje dhe mandatin tjeter qe tja q…robt mire atyre qe e votojne akoma edhe per nja 4 vjet, se ara qe se duan kane kohe qe kane ikur.

  4. gjinokastra on

    It’s a trick to use later to attract more tourists. And Tirana will seem to tourists like Rome with the Vatican within its territory.
    This tourist boom in Albania, I believe, will decrease significantly after 2 years.. And the only way for Edi Rames to keep the propaganda alive is these idiotic fantasies …

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