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So what’s it gonna be? Suspended sentence?
now imagine the outrage if they were foreign and not Maltese saints.
Deport them. Back to Hamrun
anyone has any idea what started this in the first place? just curious
If I were the police, I would have tased them for sure and made an arrest. But I’m not sure if they even carry tasers
Don’t Maltese cops carry guns? I’m not saying they should have shot those thugs, but nothing of value would have been lost if they did..
These scums think they can do whatever they like, park there cars in no parking, create public disturbance, disobey Police orders, and assulti g Police officers. I am tired of these ignorant machis, they are a menance and danger to society. I hope they get jail sentence and be heavily fine. I also hope the magnate Joseph Portelli would not come to their aid!
The Police have soiled themselves of late, regardless of what the court findings have been: They must not only DO the right things, they must be Seen to be doing so. This is just a consequence of lost respect.
Blood boiling? Yeah exactly why such things happen.
How about less own anger issues and less complaining about other people’s anger issues? That would make this island a safer place.
Sympathy for police ? Why they run out of rabbit at their favorite restaurant?
Who can still respect an organization like the police, they prove time and time again that justice is applied arbitrary and fully depends on how big of an inconvenience you are.. police had no problem issuing parking tickets to some weaklings but can’t remove the immigrants dealing drugs right in front of the police station, bc they’ll fight back like their life depends on it, plus they probably get paid to look away.. respect for police? maybe they need to earn that again first.. going selectively only after the weak and is peak cowardice
Send the scum back in boats…
Then people say that foreigners are the problem….the police officer could have gotten paralyzed from a spinal injury or worse death
Wtf man
In this instance yes shoot them…its the police’s life or the violator?
What does the justice perfer a young officers blood or a violent man eho doesnt show repect to authority let alone his family…wtf
While I commiserate with the officers involved, this is what comes from limited enforcement for a long time. These idiots become entitled to their illegalities which become the norm for them, so when the law is enforced, this is what happens. Hopefully this is a return of enforcement to the Islands, so yes normal mortals start feeling a bit safer on our streets. And I’m not talking about police only but all other entities which are required to uphold the law.
All for a parking ticket. Yet parking tickets are being issued to foreigners who have nothing to do with them in another scandal. Country is corrupt to the core.
Apart from that, the police are not well equipped. This makes them look weak, and animals like these savages will see this video and gain more confidence.
It is not the fault of the officers that they got thrown around easily but those in charge. We clearly do not have the resources, are not well equipped , and are visibly not well prepared. Meanwhile, there is the station right down the road. Where is the backup? In another country police backup would have swarmed them in minutes.
Sometimes I’m ashamed to be maltese because we just keep proving we are not a first world country. This islands beauty and class is being destroyed year after year and we need to stop just blaming foreigners cause it’s us maltese too. Foreigners have nothing to do with blowing journalists up, scandals , and using cheap slave labour.
The police should work more and people might start respecting them too.