„Nicht schlau“: Mann aus Philadelphia geht aus Rache an Gruppenchat-Rivalen viiiiiel zu weit



    1. Grimwulf2003 on

      “Think of the potential consequences” and then look at the plea deal you can get. Fucking once is stupid, twice is trying to get someone killed by cop.

    2. Hairless_Human on

      People who get butthurt over sports are such sad individuals.

    3. Leather-Map-8138 on

      Glad that guy’s not in the same fantasy football league as me!

    4. Ontarioreignfan on

      This person puts a scare into the world (not once, but twice) and no jail time? That’s 🐂 💩 !

    5. bigchicago04 on

      For anyone who wants a tldr: Guy didn’t like someone in his fantasy football chat. So he waited for him to go to Norway, and he contacted police and claimed he was planning a mass shooting.

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