Wird die Ukraine angesichts der Eskalation des russischen Krieges die Kertsch-Brücke auf der Krim einreißen?



  1. NicolaSacco101 on

    Do posters here think that it is possible to take the bridge down? I kind of feel like if it was it would’ve been done by now. Here’s hoping, though.

  2. No-Music-1994 on

    Love this “Coming Attractions”. Can’t wait for the show.

  3. I’m starting to think that Ukraine actually might see advantages in the bridge.

    The russians know that Ukraine probably can take it down if they want to and therefore the russians can’t rely on using the bridge for major supplies. But if Ukraine are actually to take back Crimea they would prefer as many russian inhabitants as possible to flee and that will be more difficult without the bridge.

  4. There is not much point in destroying it right now, since it’s damaged enough for freight trains not to use it

  5. rolosrevenge on

    For the moment I think it’s a great decoy. Russia sends a lot of AA to defend it. Ukraine keeps hitting that AA, making sure that more must be pulled from other parts of the front.

  6. Hyperborean77 on

    If the day ever comes when Ukraine rolls into Crimea, having the bridge standing might be preferable to than having Russians trapped there with no way to leave.

  7. No-Goose-6140 on

    Probably in the end. The rats can escape and dont cause extra problems in the future

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