Hallo, ich warte auf ein Paket. Weiß jemand, wie lange der Zoll dauert? Ich habe gehört, dass es ziemlich schlimm ist. Bisher war es wie bei der Grenzsicherung für einen Tag.


    Von christhekerbal


    1. put the tracking number in the maltapost parcel tracker website and see if it prompts for any pending customs fee. Sometimes app parcel tracker doesn’t show that pending fees are awaiting. If there isn’t such prompt then your only hope is to wait. It can sometimes even take a month for just the customs clearance but I don’t think it will take that long since its not peak season.

    2. AgentWyoming on

      My most recent document (a letter, nothing special) arrived in the country on the 16th March and was processed for delivery on the 30th.

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