Eine neue Studie zu Anhörungen vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass männliche und weiße Teilnehmer häufiger Frauen und farbige Sprecher unterbrechen.
Did they control for things like whether or not the speaker was a justice or an attorney? (Since the justices are likely whiter and maler than the attorneys and presumably comfortable interrupting people)
Possible women are more likely to be wrong than men? That’s my experience.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Who could have predicted that?
These are so biased. 😂
Data summarized: Interrupting female/POC from the same party is statistically insignificant, while interrupting *anyone* of the different party is statistically significant.
It’s almost like someone will interrupt whenever they disagree with something. Who would’ve thought? 😱