Es scheint, dass Russland versucht hat, den RS-28 zu testen "Sarmatisch" Interkontinentalrakete, aber die Rakete explodierte einfach im Abschussschacht und hinterließ einen riesigen Krater auf dem Übungsgelände in Plesetsk in der Region Archangelsk

Laut Informationen aus offenen Quellen ist dies bereits der vierte erfolglose Start dieser Rakete. Generell sind die Statistiken für die Russen in dieser Hinsicht enttäuschend – 1 erfolgreicher Start bei 4 Fehlschlägen.



  1. Remember, this is the country that claims to be the direct rival and equivalent of the United States

  2. Pathetic, but what goes for Putin and his impotence goes for his missile program, premature and unsatisfying.

  3. Late_Singer_7996 on

    Why is Putin hating ruzzia that much. They never did anything wrong. 🤭

  4. AshelyWeinerdogowner on

    i just learned that sarmat is supposed to mean samaratin, as in good samaratin. Not sure how a possibly nueclear missile can in any way be caracterized as a person aiding a broken homeless person back to health in their own home providing food and a bit of money when it came time so say their farewells. I guess conservatives/ fascists the world over sure love to basterize the actually good morals the bible held. I guess thats why nato calls it Satan.

  5. Liberty_Bell_End on

    Is Completely Bad Missile.

    Russia downgrading definitions like a boss.

  6. I’m wondering, in case of nuclear war, how many of their launched missiles never leave territory of russia and explode there, like 5 of 6?

  7. SamReditPark on

    US was spending almost as much as the entire Russian defense budget per annum just for the maintenance of our nukes, before 2020. Russian clowns threatening the west with their nuke is a bad joke.

  8. Own_Box_5225 on

    As far as I know (if I’m wrong, please correct me), Russia still uses liquid propellant for their ICBMs. They use very fucking nasty oxidizers that need a lot of maintenance or they will destroy whatever they are housed in eventually. If this story is true and this is their 4th unsuccessful launch, I guess the inbuilt corruption mechanisms are working out great for everyone involved. Also, if this is the state of their missile delivery platform, I’d hate to see the state of their actual warhead. I know they have thousands and you only really need 1 to work to devastate a country, but still it scares me to think what decades of neglect has done to those decaying plutonium cores

  9. Broad_Pitch_7487 on

    They’re spread too thin and cutting corners that can’t be cut. In every economic sphere they are a shell running on empty.

  10. Boredengineer_84 on

    Weren’t these guys laughing when HMS Vangard failed it’s test launch earlier in the year….. a bit hypocritical

  11. Imaflyingturkey on

    So they have the whole explosion side of things down but not the flight part yet

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