Putin ist empört: Drohnenangriff der Ukraine verursacht „Erdbeben“ in Russland



  1. Putin’s feelings are of little consequence and the faster “leaders” put less stock in such things and enacting the future that is necessary the quicker they set the tone and tenor for what leadership should be.

    What is of import is the date and manner of Putin’s departure from history, and caring much of the method of his disposal is debatable. Let him go on feeling the inevitable rumble as his war material continues exploding and know the end comes.

  2. Putin is such a pathetic monster. Hopefully he dies a painful death and soon.

  3. what is this trash article

    posits that putin is “outraged” in the title, then no mention of it again after

    why did you post this garbage u/Barch3

  4. Maybe if he gets mad enough he’ll die of a heart attack or aneurism. It would be too good for him but hey, here’s hoping 🤞

  5. It did NOT cause an earthquake. The explosion created seismic waves and the amount of energy release was rated using the same measurement scale as earthquakes. I guess the “experts” at National Interest are also unaware of Google.

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