NSFL: Die brutale Realität der Tötungsfelder rund um Avdiivka für die russische Infanterie



  1. BluePandaCafe94-6 on

    Dude hit at 1:49 looked like he couldn’t believe he got tagged. “Aww what the shit, I was crouching!”

  2. Specific_Future9285 on

    Absolutely ZERO fucks given.

    Piss off back to RUZZIA you invading scum.

  3. LovableSidekick on

    “Ever wonder why we’re here?”

    “Yeah, it’s one of life’s great mysteries. I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything, like with a plan for us and stuff. I don’t know, but it keeps me up at night.”

    “No, I mean why are we out here in this open field?”

  4. Altruistic-Bell-583 on

    you can tell that these guys have zero experience fighting on the battlefield.

  5. haggisnwhisky65 on

    That was fucking relentless. Could almost feel sorry for them if they weren’t invading russian scum.

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