Kugel eines russischen Scharfschützen durchschlägt ukrainischen Pickup.

Von No-Reception8659


  1. AllOldiesViRadio on

    These guys have seen some shit and they don’t get flustered.

  2. BarberDisastrous1389 on

    and after this he is still holding his iPhone as nothing happens before.

  3. HereIGoAgain_1x10 on

    👁️👄👁️ everyone looking around to see who’s ground meat, crazy shit it missed everyone lol

  4. Difficult_Stand_2545 on

    Guy wasn’t about to let something trivial like sniper fire distract him from his game of Candy Crush.

  5. Scared_of_zombies on

    God damn, that bullet seemingly took the perfect path to avoid them all.

  6. Narcissistic-Jerk on

    These guys are animals…they have seen some shit and take this like just another day.

  7. daari_tappida_maga on

    Their only reaction to the whole thing: davai davai davai!

    That’s insane!!

  8. skepticismlot on

    The reality that they’ve become accustomed to is absolutely wild..

  9. notveryauthentic on

    Idk what you’re really supposed to do in this situation. You can’t really get out of the vehicle. You have no idea where the fires coming from. Most definitely not very pleasant to be in this situation

  10. angrysc0tsman12 on

    “This commute is kind of rough, am I right?”

    -These Ukrainians (probably)

  11. RiseIfYouWould on

    My years of BF4 finally paid out: ZAVAI ZAVAI ZAVAI = go go go


    I mean, unless that sniper was shooting HE rounds. I doubt this was a sniper. That flash is very consistent with some sort of explosion. Not a sniper.

  13. Set side that the sniper is Russian, can we all take a moment to recognize how amazing of a shot that was. Like that sniper shot a moving car, presumably from a distance so he probably had to account for bullet drop/wind. This is incredible. The shot came from the side it seems so yeah pretty crazy

  14. Dude barely flinched, even went on to check his Iphone is okay. Smh 😛

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