Der Test der russischen Interkontinentalrakete RS-28 Sarmat war ein völliger Fehlschlag. Die Rakete detonierte im Silo, hinterließ einen riesigen Krater und zerstörte das Testgelände.

    Von Florencki


    1. [](

      >The Sarmat is a liquid fueled missile so this accident could have occurred separate from the actual launch activity. If this occurred as part of the fueling process, it could explain the lack of Cobra Ball activity on the day of the incident. This first, and last successful test of the Sarmat was April 20th, 2022. With these events now official, this is at least the 4th failed test attempt of the “combat operational” Sarmat Heavy ICBM.

      Looks like nuclear sabre rattling went south. Sarmat so far have only 20% success rate, 1 out of 5 times.

    2. Baron_von_Ungern on

      Looks like the only running Sarmat they have is the Sarmat-mobile, and even that sometimes doubtful.

    3. LifeFeckinBrilliant on

      This is what happens when you spend all your money on palaces & private rail systems rather than routine maintenance of your military equipment.

    4. mechalenchon on

      Pathetic little mafia state. Russia really collapsed a long time ago. There’s nothing left but BS redlines.

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