[OC] Wir haben am Montag eine interaktive Wolkenvorhersage für die Sonnenfinsternis erstellt, die die Wolkendicke über uns während der Sonnenfinsternis überall in Nordamerika vorhersagt.

Von Solcast_API

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  1. Solcast_API on

    Source: Solcast API, referencing data sources from NOAA, NASA, ECMWF, GFS Models

    Tools: Python, Mapbox

    These forecasts are updated using global weather data sources, and on the day of the eclipse will use live cloud tracking to update the cloud forecasts. New forecasts will be updated every 4 hours, and hourly the day of the eclipse.

    We provide forecasts and historic data for the solar industry, so cloud tracking is important to us. But we wanted to share this with anyone trying to view the eclipse.

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