In Nikopol wurden ein 12-jähriges Mädchen und eine 25-jährige Frau durch einen russischen Angriff getötet, ein 4-jähriges Kind und ein 25-jähriger Mann wurden verletzt


  1. elliethestaffy on

    I can watch dead russian orcs all day, but this I do not want to see. Fuck Russia!

  2. Aggressive-Top-7583 on

    Today’s Russians making their Soviet forefathers proud 💪🏻💪🏻

  3. Key_Extent9222 on

    Fuck this is so hard to see. Fucking Russians man just no contribution to society at all. All they do is bring death, destruction and thinking they are some superior people

  4. Front-Hovercraft-721 on

    ANOTHER attack on innocent civilians by the cowards from Russia. Karma will not be forgiving to the scumbags that did this.

  5. Any government that encourages its military to INTENTIONALLY target the defenseless, like children and the infirm, needs to be scrubbed off the face of this earthy. That country has no business being included with the rest of the world. If it were up to me, Russia and China would be kicked out of the UN security council and them along with the rest of the axis of weasels would be kicked out of the UN entirely. The world has no tolerance for totalitarian regimes. Period!

  6. gMg_saiyan13 on

    This is a sad and unfortunate part of war. This has always been part of war and will continue to be part of war on all sides of a fight.

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