KARD haben ihrer Where To Now?-Tour 2024 drei Deutschland-Stopps hinzugefügt


  1. German_mikan on

    Let’s see how kpop fusion are going to react to this.

    This confirms that they were lying with their last statement because KARD are clearly not performing there anymore.

  2. It’s slightly insane that we now have a K-pop group going to Oberhausen, population 200,000. I know it’s part of the Ruhr and so is local for 10m people in Duisburg, Dortmund, Essen, etc. (probably a day trip for everyone between Amsterdam and Frankfurt?), but it’s still astonishing when London and Paris used to go years between concerts.

    Also, I look forward to little old Oberhausen teaching Madrid how to organise a *real* K-pop event. 😝

  3. Just saw that I messed up the title. Was meant to say “Where to Now? Tour in Europe”

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