Ukrainischer Geheimdienst warnt, dass Russland sich auf einen Angriff auf ukrainische Atomkraftwerke am Vorabend des Winters vorbereitet – Außenministerin Sybiha

Von TheRealMykola


  1. This is why we need NATO to enforce a no fly zone. We cannot let an attack like this happen. The Ukraine has already had energy infrastructure hurt so they cannot afford this. Democracy is on the line here.

  2. dangerousbob on

    My worry is they will do something really big right before the election in the US.

  3. _Saputawsit_ on

    “Winter has always saved us, so if we draw in NATO with a mass nuclear incident just as winter hits, we’ll win quickly”

    -Some absolute galaxybrain strategist in the Kremlin. 

  4. If I’m not mistaken, the prevailing winds would likely spread any uncontained radiation from a strike like this back into Russia. Some would spread into neighboring southerly countries as well I would think. Obviously Russia is not rational or sane wrt Ukrainian human rights and innocent civilians at this point. But we can only hope they will see their own suffering in this if they do and not do such a thing.

    Russia, please. Remember. All you have to do is STOP. Ukraine and the west will not invade your land. We don’t want it. Just stop before escalation. Stop the bloodshed. Do this for your own people…

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