Israelischer Luftangriff im Libanon verursacht massive Schockwelle

Von AccentThrowaway


  1. Sharonaharonson on

    IDF watching Tikhoretsk and says “Damn i wanna try it too”


  2. ReanimateTheWay on

    Is there some challange in the world who makes the bigger boom? This is the third nuclear like explosion I’ve seen in last three days.

  3. Kindly-Ad-8573 on

    What ever they hit, it seem similar to when the port went bang. So a stockpile of “fertiliser”.

  4. Major_Yogurt6595 on

    The Aliens must think we must go crazy with nukes again with all those huge explosions everywhere.

  5. MikeAndBike on

    As an Israeli who lives in northern israel, we’ve definitely heard this one.

  6. n0tmyrealnameok on

    Looks like a firework Wearhouse going up doesn’t it?.. doesn’t it🤔🤔?

  7. Genoblade1394 on

    Explosives are amazing I always think of the chemists that develop them must be an exciting eureka moment developing something so incredibly powerful. Also extremely dangerous

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