Um die Armut vor Ort zu bekämpfen, haben die Bewohner einer englischen Wohnsiedlung eine 150 Meter hohe, 4,2 Megawatt starke Windkraftanlage in Betrieb genommen, die sich nun zu 100 Prozent in ihrem Besitz befindet.


  1. lughnasadh on

    Submission Statement

    I think renewable energy’s decentralized nature is one of its most underappreciated features. You could never imagine a local community building a conventional electricity plant, they are centralized and that is the job of government.

    I suspect the future will have much more local decentralized projects of this nature. When you can have robots running factories without the need for humans, why not self-finance and build these at the community level too? It’s entirely feasible, and many people will want to do such things. It’s initiatives like this that make me doubt the future will be dystopian.

  2. Ulysses1978ii on

    Community coop is how many of the danish installations are done IIRC. The issue is getting the share price low enough that people invest.

  3. Quick-Albatross-9204 on

    I can’t see the energy companies liking this one, imagine if every estate did it.

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