Milliardär und Tech-CEO: Chefs sollten Mitarbeitern nicht vormachen, welche Auswirkungen KI auf Arbeitsplätze haben wird

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  1. From the article: Corporate leaders can’t “bulls—” their employees about the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce and the ways in which the technology will affect jobs more broadly, according to one tech billionaire.

    Jim Kavanaugh, the CEO of World Wide Technology (WWT), told CNBC that people are “too smart” to accept that AI won’t change the way that they manage their work and that no jobs will be eliminated due to the transformative nature of the technology.

    WWT is an enterprise technology solutions provider that focuses on services such as cloud computing, IT security, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and consulting services.

    “If you think you’re going to try to game this, and that you’re going to tell employees nothing’s going to change, and everything’s going to be fine, that’s just BS,” Kavanaugh said in an interview last week.

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