Die Ukraine ist wütend, als Australien auf der Auktionsseite „eBay für Waffen“ Militärausrüstung versteigert, darunter Truppentransporter, Schlauchboote, UNIMOGs, Generatoren, lebenswichtige medizinische Vorräte und Winterkleidung in Militärqualität. Dies geschieht seit über zwei Jahren [non paywall link in comments]



  1. Cpl_Hicks76 on

    The current Minister for Defence here in Australia is an absolute potato and perfectly represents the incompetence that is the incumbent Labour government.

    The Albanese Government consistently finds pathetic excuses to not aid Ukraine in their dire need for capable and effective weapons and supplies.

    This is just insult after insult.

  2. Few-Worldliness2131 on

    As an Aus citizen that is fucking disgraceful. Just donate the whole damn lot to Ukraine and let them use it or sell it. Damn you bloody politicians for not having the sense you were born with🤬

    EDIT: as you age one thing above all else becomes abundantly clear, politicians have only one thing in mind each and every time they consider an action, WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME.

    When their consideration should always be ‘what’s in my countries best interest’ they are in-fact thinking firstly, HOW DO I FEATHER MY OWN NEST, a distant second consideration is WHAT’S BEST FOR MY PARTY (remember however this is always linked to point 1!) before somewhere very distant possibly, just possibly, thinking WHAT’S THE RIGHT THING TO DO FOR MY COUNTRY.

    But it’s nature politics is a scheming, deceitful, dishonourable endeavour so you should always question what type of person thrives in that career🤔

  3. SnooHedgehogs8765 on

    It’s rage clock Bait. But we do underperform help wise.

    We have a bad government. One that doesn’t unabashedly tie its colours to the masthead of democracy. All talk is on Gaza.

  4. theappisshit on

    they can just start a greys online profile and buy them lol.

    but seriously labour are hopeless.

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