aespa Winter – Cosmopolitan Korea x Polo Ralph Lauren (Bildvorschau der Ausgabe Oktober 2024)


  1. SapphireHeaven on

    From the [article]( and with a translation by [1117notes](

    >In the pictorial released on the 19th, WINTER poses with charismatic and lovely poses and expressions while assimilating Polo Ralph Lauren clothes full of autumn vibes, making every picture (cut) an A-cut (best picture), the admiration of all the staff on site was endless.

    >In the following interview, WINTER said, “The WINTER I am while I’m working and the Kim Minjeong I am while I’m resting are completely opposite.” she added, “When I work, I am a planner and rational. I plan (schedules) even a week in advance, two days before at the latest; from what time to what time I (work), the travel time being 30 minutes, what I have to do. While on the other hand, when I’m off (work), I don’t even decide the time or where to go with my friends and go out spontaneously. Also I’m full of emotions (sentimental).”

    >WINTER commented on herself when she works “I make less mistakes.” “It’s both a strength and a weakness, but I have the tendency to be a perfectionist.” she also shared an anecdote: “When it’s a group stage, I don’t intervene since I think the director has a picture they want in mind but when it’s a solo song I want to express my intention better, so I share my opinion.” “My solo performance in this concert requires a lot of detail in the lighting and cameras, so (I told) to the lighting director and camera director, at this time I’d like if the light was this size, here I’d like if (the stage) was captured full, here I’d like if the light was a concentric circle. I checked one by one like this, did the rehearsals and monitored. The performance improved thanks to all of the hard work. I didn’t want to disappoint MYs since it was a day MYs were really looking forward to.”

    >WINTER then emphasized “I think I shouldn’t forget my duties as a singer.” adding, “I always take vocal and dance lessons. I practice individually a lot too. If I’m ever stressed but feel like I’m not good enough, I think ‘I can never show my shortcomings’ and keep at it until I make it.” she says, showing her determination. “Even if we perform often, it could be a performance that someone comes to see once in their lifetime, right? That’s why I try my best as if every performance was the last performance of my life. I don’t forget that my job is to be a singer.” she continues, showing her professional side.

    >Lastly, “I’m very ambitious but I don’t want to be someone who wins by fighting (others). I can just take myself to the next level by fighting myself. I want to live by believing in the saying ‘I’m better than I was yesterday’. So tomorrow’s WINTER will be a better WINTER than today!” she said, concluding the interview with a big smile

  2. 1-800-hot-n-fun on

    She could fit right in with the recent misamo teasers in that first outfit

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