Verluste des russischen Militärs bis 21.9.2024

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. TheJake88821 on

    > 58

    * 74 – *29.07.24*
    * 73 – *12.09.24*
    * 71 – 18.08.24
    * 69 – 10.08.24 & 05.08.24
    * 67 – 07.08.24
    * 66 – *06.07.24*, *01.07.24* & 14.02.24
    * 65 – 12.08.24 & *23.07.24*, *04.07.24* & 04.06.24
    * 64 – 07.06.24
    * 62 – *15.07.24*
    * 61 – 23.06.24 & 24.01.24
    * 60 – 21.08.24, 28.06.24 & 09.06.24
    * 59 – 16.08.24, 04.08.24, *11.07.24* & 25.01.24
    * 58 – 17.08.24, 11.08.24 & *13.07.24* & 16.06.24, 03.05.24 & 15.11.23, **20.09.2024**
    * 57 – 14.08.24, *23.07.24*, *03.07.24* & 29.06.24
    * 56 – *11.09.24*, 03.08.24 & *02.07.24*
    * 55 – *19.07.24* & 11.05.24
    * 54 – *18.07.24*, *05.07.24*, 21.06.24, 07.04.24 & 15.02.24
    * 53 – 30.06.24 & 21.02.24
    * 52 – 27.08.24, 20.08.24
    * 51 – *28.07.24*, *22.07.24*, 24.06.24, 10.06.24, 31.01.24 and 23.01.24
    * 50 – *10.09.24*, 20.05.24, 05.04.24, 6.03.24 and maybe other days

    Inspired by:

    > Dutch-cooking-guy said:

    > According to it is a record:

    If error, please let me know. I think I checked every day, but it’s possible I forgot to or recorded incorrectly.

    * Longest daily 50up streak was 9 days long from JUN 28 2024 to JUL 07 2024.

    * JUN 2024 – 10 days on the chart
    * JUL 2024 – 16 days
    * AUG 2024 -14 days – 17k+ on the 18th
    * SEP 2024 – 4 days – 18k+ on the 12th

  2. Numbers going up..good work guy’s 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🫶🏻👍😎

  3. Practical-Memory6386 on

    the best part is if the war stopped tomorrow somehow, Russia has lost its functional capability to invade another country due to those losses of man and machine. They might be able to threaten Georgia or one……yes one……baltic country. But that soviet stockpile being so depleted is a great thing for the world. I just wish it didnt come at such a great cost to ukrainians.

  4. forthehundredthtime on

    there should be a new cryptocurrency based on these daily stats. orccoin

  5. Wow! Today is a big day.

    Героям слава!

    Слава Україні!

  6. Hopefully the artillery number means some Russian general is throwing under-ranged, inaccurate junk forward in a desperate attempt to show progress before Putin’s impossible deadline of ‘retake Kursk by mid-October.’ The more they waste their resources following political demands instead of military logic, the better for everyone except the undertrained orks trying to operate a WWII-era artillery piece.

  7. IndistinctChatters on

    If the russians decided to overthrown their regime instead of killing Ukrainians, they would spill very less blood.

  8. OnionTruck on

    Nice numbers today…. ton of cannon fodder, a few tanks, lots of arty and afvs…

  9. justwastedsometimes on

    21 tanks is a pretty big number, after days of barely seeing any. Were there any bigger assaults? Perhaps near Petrovsk or Kursk?

    It would be so interesting to know if the 21 attacks actually got destroyed yesterday, or if those numbers include not counted tanks destroyed in the past days.

  10. ConsistentContest911 on

    I’ve seen some random sub saying Russia losses were only 200,000 dead 300,000 wounded, propaganda sub kept thinking that there way off like they believed Russia numbers

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