Tihorezk, Russland



  1. Jesus Christ. This is getting insane. We have watched MONTHS of Russian ammunition destroyed in the last couple of days. Likely billions of dollars worth. Gone.

  2. Living-Sundae7527 on

    Usually the sequel doesn’t quite match the original. This sequel, however, appears most excellent.

  3. screamtracker on

    Oh sweet Jesus yes. Some guy on Twitter called out why Tihoretsk wasn’t on the map of depots 🤣😂 now we know why

  4. DunderFlippin on

    Good. The big, old and nasty dildo of consequences. It very rarely comes lubed.

    Automated translation says: Look at the road, Masha ! Our windows are intact. It’s just shells that’s what’s happening now. Go to the right now.

  5. Demon_Gamer666 on

    This is spectaular. Spectacularly awesome!!!! Suck it russia!

  6. Iamoggierock on

    Bunker busting long range strikes. 🤔 All of a sudden too. Strange 🤔

  7. Sallandstrots on

    Nice ….. i love waking up with a strong coffee and a big badaboom in Ruzzia. Good morning to all.

  8. ChicagoZbojnik on

    Clearly just some falling debris that caused a fire that led to the detonation of some explosive objects.

    BTW nice timing for the zoom in. Hopefully someone just lost a bunch of North Korean missiles.

  9. Cyman-Chili on

    The car passengers are all relatively calm. Their reaction makes it seem like it‘s nothing out of the ordinary in daily life Russia.

  10. Imaginary-Rhubarb647 on

    More Russian tax payers money down the drain. Work yourselves to near death and pay taxes then when you are exhausted we will send you to the front to die in a pointless meat wave assault. And you WILL be happy. All for a tiny old man’s ego.

  11. Omg! I see hallowed noodly appendages! The Flying Spaghetti Monster has joined Ukraine’s righteous cause! All russia should fear its wrath!

  12. Daaaaayum, thats a big boom! The best one yet. One helluva mushroom 🍄 cloud too. I don’t think I want to see bigger than this.

  13. stevedisme on

    The ol’ ‘bounce off me stick to you’ karma foot is stomping Mother Russia! Retribution, is a bitch.

  14. HurtFeeFeez on

    Please tell me this is a new one, not just another angle of the last one.

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