US-Bombardierung von Laos

Von Glass_Tradition1603


  1. ForeignExpression on

    I know Americans are super indoctrinated with their own self delusion about freedom and democracy and greatest country and all that, but I find it hard to believe you can look at this and think that the US has been a positive force in the world. This alone is atrocious. Then you add in what happened in Iraq. The world has suffered a lot of US bombings. And they are still in the ground, killing people to this day.

  2. What’s the sq km area of a dot on this map vs the blast area of an average US bomb?

  3. NoHeat7014 on

    I always wondered how did Khan and Minh survive to make it to Arlen.

  4. CrispyDave on

    The effects of this were very visible on the people of Cambodia 3 years later. I have never seen so many lower leg amputees, especially children.

  5. Sufficient-Green5858 on

    Just another peaceful liberation mission of spreading western values. Nothing to see here. Back to the grind! Uncle Sam needs his tax dollars.

  6. europe would have dropped bombs from airplanes if they had that back when they were taking over africa

    and these conflicts since ww2 in south asia and middle east also involves europe

  7. Downtown-Falcon-3264 on

    wasn’t it also that the USA pliots were told sometimes to just drop any extra bombs they were carrying with them. either way it was a lot of bombs

  8. holylight17 on

    It sure feels good to have military industry complex in your portfolio.

  9. britain and france were also dropping bombs in south asia and middle east

    tho these days US is face for empire crap

  10. LandlordsEatPoo on

    This map is woefully incapable of showing how many bombs were actually dropped due to the maps resolution. The US led 580,000 bombing runs… not bombs… bombing runs. They dropped over 2,500,000tons (that’s 5,000,000,000lbs) of bombs on Laos. That’s about 176 bombing runs a day averaging 1,550,000lbs a day for 9 years. With each plane dropping 8,500lbs of bombs per run on average. A lot of these bombs are pretty small and scattered all over the place, Loas is still dealing with removing all the unexploded ordinance in the country 50 years later. It’s a complete fucking travesty what the US did to this country.

  11. giganticsquid on

    I rode my moto through an area full of unexploded bombs in Laos, I just stuck to the goat path. I was also randomly going into caves along back roads by myself, so much fucking fun. Wouldn’t do it now I’m married with a kid ofc

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