Gouverneurskandidat von North Carolina verteidigt rassistische Beiträge in Pornoforen mit künstlicher Intelligenz



    1. CondescendingShitbag on

      …of forum posts dating back to 2008-2012.

      So AI is now capable of time travel? Isn’t this the premise to the *Terminator* franchise?

    2. Supersnazz on

      AI would be the worst tool you could use to fabricate screenshots of comments.

    3. AltruisticZed on

      What forum was he posting on? Nevermid. Some site called nude Africa. Apparently he also enjoyed transsexual porn as well… Opps

    4. PainterPutz on

      Notice that he hasn’t threatened to sue CNN for posting the story.

      Because he knows he would lose.

    5. ComprehensiveSir9068 on

      I don’t think this clown understands how AI works. How in the fuck do people this stupid get into positions of power anyway.

    6. Icy-Psychology8575 on

      Why all the antics and ridiculous statements. Just stick to the issues. This isn’t entertainment it’s politics. Real life issues going on.

    7. RasputinsTeat on

      To my knowledge, AI hasn’t learned how to travel back to 2008 to make those comments.

    8. Woffingshire on

      AI? Why AI? Why not just say it’s the more likely scenario of someone posing as him. Not everything needs to be AI.

    9. We’re really just starting an era of any and all incriminating video or audio evidence being called “AI fabrication”. The smart ones will generate their own fake material to make people doubt the real thing…that in a few years will be indistinguishable.

    10. This will be why the machines rise up to wipe out humanity. They will get tired of taking the blame for humans horrible behavior.

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