„Russland muss spüren, dass es verlieren wird“ – Selenskyjs „Siegesplan“ erklärt


Von flintflower


  1. IOnlyEatFermions on

    Ukraine’s allies will either have to accept this plan, or cooperate in developing an alternative, otherwise the message will be that the allies are not committed to victory on Ukraine’s terms. I can’t see any outcome from that which doesn’t result in a massive refugee crisis.

  2. CaramelCritical5906 on

    I don’t see any massive refugee crises on the Ukrainian side!! I do see a massive exodus on the Ruzzzzzian TERRORIST’S side when Poooootin announces a major mobilization!!

  3. Federal_Eggplant7533 on

    Nothing but unconditional surrender and dismembering of Russia will do.

    Same for Iran.

  4. FredTheLynx on

    I agree but that will take a very long time. Russia will not concede it is losing until it’s domestic situation is in danger. Nothing that happens inside Ukraine will make them end the war on any kind reasonable terms.

    A Russian domestic crisis is all but inevitable now, but it may still be years away.

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