Raketenangriff aus dem Libanon + Start der Abfangrakete Iron Dome im selben Clip festgehalten

Von alysslut-


  1. diezel_dave on

    How does Israel not have a wide area persistent vision system equipped UAV that just sees the entire area all at once and uses computer vision/AI to identify likely missile launchers as soon as they are uncovered so they can be immediately bombed?

    Like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorgon_Stare

  2. SaltyShaked on

    Just imagine you plan your rocket attack for weeks with your homies and that shit gets blasted 2 seconds after launch

  3. ReactionFree4214 on

    Hez has many thousands of rockets, missiles of various types, it won’t be long before they launch way more than the iron dome can handle and it just gets swamped by sheer numbers. Just my uneducated opinion

  4. Am I the only one who feels like (if maybe these guys weren’t insanely dumb) the iron dome would be pretty easy to get past? Like just fire some inert rockets without any explosives so they get shot down, then once that specific iron dome battery is empty, launch the rockets with the explosives? Like I feel like that’s not a very difficult thing to think of? Or do I just not know how the iron dome works?

  5. Genoblade1394 on

    They all follow the same trajectory but still doesn’t take from the fact that these defense systems are an absolute marvel of engineering

  6. WhitePantherXP on

    That would be infuriating. I need to know what cuss words they’re using in this clip.

  7. Basementdwell on

    I wonder how long it will take Hizbollah to start using some basic ECM to jam and confuse radars. The cost has to be trivial compared to how many rockets they’re sending, and the Russians are pretty good at EW.

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