Aserbaidschan wendet sich an das russische Außenministerium bezüglich der in Tschetschenien inhaftierten und angeblich gewaltsam in das ukrainische Kriegsgebiet deportierten Aserbaidschaner

Von ZD_17

1 Comment

  1. I labeled this as unverified, because it says that they were detained in Chechnya. There is some information floating around, that they were actually detained elsewhere and brought to Chechnya by Rosgvardia. There is also information that these Azerbaijani citisens are now being tortured in Chechnya by Rosgvardia.

    Some speculate that they are doing this in Chechnya in particular on purpose in order to spoil relations between Azerbaijanis and Chechens. This is actually an old Russian tactic.

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