[OC] Sterberate für die Altersgruppe 20–24 nach Geschlecht

Von n0tpc


  1. Some countries (like China) do not publish statistics – they should have a distinct color.

  2. violetgobbledygook on

    Interesting. How does it look if you make one map with the difference between the two rates? Less meaningful metric but then we don’t have to look back and forth to find the differences

  3. KuriousKhemicals on

    Dang, Venezuela sure has something going on specifically for men. Ukraine too but the cause of that is obvious.

    Afghanistan is the only one I can easily pick out with a strong bias toward women of this age group dying. Central African Republic is also visible but the difference is less stark.

  4. Dang, Afghanistan really stands out like that. It’s not alone in having a higher mortality rate for women but it’s in rarefied company.
    The other ones I saw were Central African Republic, South Sudan and maybe Somalia but they don’t pop out as much since the base line around them is higher.

  5. ThePr3acher on

    My thought process for a second:

    Why is there that dark dot in europe for men ?

    Oh… thats why

  6. Octahedral_cube on

    For the hundredth time, do not use conformal projections, especially the cylindrical ones, for thematic mapping. Use compromise projections such as Robinson’s or Winkel Tripel

    If you insist on preserving a geometric property would you consider using something that is NOT cylindrical so we at least avoid the stretching at the poles? In your case, which, looks like Mercator, the stretching is 1/cosθ, so it becomes near INFINITE as you approach the poles. It’s a clever solution if you’re trying to maintain rhumb lines, except you’re not sailing ships, you’re showing mortality rates.

  7. I appreciate that Crimea and the other occupied areas are marked as Ukraine.

  8. Best-Race4017 on

    Could FGM be the cause for high mortality for women in African countries?

  9. cuckoorock on

    0-32 per 1000 man/woman in age 20 to 24 age group what?
    Well, cool, we have 32 per 1000 man in age group 20 to 24 morality rate, what should it mean?

  10. lollypop44445 on

    i was confused why it is low for israel and palestine . the data is of 2022.

  11. thegreatsquare on

    Somalia has achieved gender equality in the worst possible way.

  12. What’s going on in Venezuela?

    Yeah, I know about the economic crisis and repressions. But there must be something specific going on that other poor/repressed countries aren’t experiencing, for men.

  13. Take blue American cities out of the mix, and our numbers would be WAY down. Nobody wants to talk about POC killing each other *en masse* in our urban centers…but let’s ban AR’s because they are responsible for less than 2% of all gun deaths in the US.

  14. I think I’m not the only one who was like “why is this country in Europe in black… oh yeah right.”

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