Ärzte ohne Grenzen müssen Russland verlassen



  1. mickturner96 on

    What idiot is in charge of that decision?

    Can you now be put in charge of arms procurement

  2. Just another milestone in Russia’s decent into the lower levels of hell. Authoritarian regime can’t have independent sources that might provide information countering its propaganda is a story as old as time.

    Russia truly is the eternal land of, “and then it got worse.”

  3. I don’t know why they were in Russia to begin with. Russia has its own doctors and hospitals. It seems like Americans have been giving money to provide healthcare in Russia. I have never been to Russia, but I have contributed to Doctors Without Borders.

  4. GraciaEtScientia on

    Now it’s doctors without borders with borders.

    I feel like there’s a collaboration in here somewhere:

    Doctors without borders with borders and border collies.

  5. AlwaysUpvotesScience on

    The doctors may not have quarters but they do have to respect the iron curtain.

  6. deliveryboyy on

    Well putin did say that russia’s borders don’t end anywhere so I don’t see what the problem is.

  7. The_Organic_Robot on

    They’re probably afraid of espionage. If it wasn’t for that idiot French doctor blowing his cover about 10 years ago they wouldn’t be so paranoid about DWOB volunteering in their country. 

    He was either French or German.
    NGOs are supposed to be off limits but we all know they’re not.

  8. decaturbob on

    – I stopped givin to doctor’s without borders as they had a presence in Russia a very undeserving country to be in with so many other more deserving countries to choose from.

  9. They’re gonna have to change their name since now they do have borders.

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