Der North Atlantic Transmission One Link (Nato-L) soll das europäische und amerikanische Stromnetz über ein 3.500 Kilometer langes Kabel verbinden, um überschüssige erneuerbare Energie gemeinsam zu nutzen.
Submission Statement.
Rough calculations suggest that, on current trends, adding [12 hours of storage to the entire US grid would cost around $500 billion]( and pay for itself within a few years. By contrast, upgrading the US transmission grid could cost $7 trillion over 20 years.
Counterintuitively, electricity cables under the North Atlantic might be much more economical. It would not have the eminent domain and construction complexities of upgrading the US continental land grid. If this cost estimate is accurate, it may be much cheaper.
Is it really much more secure though? Wouldn’t one well-placed underwater bomb knock it out of action for weeks or months?
If security was your top priority, surely decentralized microgrids with widely dispersed battery grid storage would be much more effective?
What would the losses be, that’s too long of a line.
I would take the opportunity and let the cable go through Iceland. They have so much energy production from hydro and geothermal resources, and it’s all 24/7