„Eine Achse des Bösen“ – CEO von JP Morgan spricht eindringliche Wirtschaftswarnung wegen Russland, Iran und Nordkorea aus



  1. Oh, it’s hurting the big boys now? Maybe we should look into it then. /s

  2. Training-Outcome-482 on

    He has done a nice job of identifying the key enemies of our time. He missed China who is quietly working behind the scenes supporting them all.

  3. The CEO of a Gigantic commercial bank calling other people “evil”…….. BWWWAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH.

    irony was already dead, this just rapes the fetid corpse of irony.

  4. His concern is mainly Israel. That should be clear. To him, everything else should be about how the economy and security systems sustain Israel’s power.

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