The best way for NATO to support Ukraine is with more weapons.
Ukraine has done an excellent job of humiliation, when it comes to Putin.
Bringing the war back home to Russia has been very successful.
The Russian people don’t feel safe in their own country anymore.
Putin can’t lie his way out of this situation.
[deleted] on
hesasuiter on
He is a massive idiot
mikzuit on
No, “delivering and let them use as they wish”
Guilty-Top-7 on
The US, UK and France have SSBN nuclear powered submarines lurking in the ocean. Hiding with nuclear tipped missiles. if Russia where to attack a NATO ally those submarines would launch a counter-value attack and turn Moscow and St Petersburg into a glass parking lot. This helps me sleep at night, because ai know Putin is not stupid enough to use nukes.
corpusapostata on
Arms dealers want the war to drag on and on, because there’s more profit. I think part of the US reluctance is due to pressure from weapons manufacturers.
Dividend_Dude on
Delivering weapons to Russia will also end the war faster
VendettaKarma on
They’ve been saying that for 2+ years now.
davtruss on
If it weren’t for Rupert Murdoch Fox News style media in Russia, most Russians wouldn’t tolerate Putin and his media minions who claim they could be invaded at any moment.
Nobody wants to invade Russia (except maybe China, which has a long memory of land seizures by Imperial powers and a new thirst for rare earth elements).
Empty_Success759 on
Russia will not give up as they are not a cartoon villain.
The best way for NATO to support Ukraine is with more weapons.
Ukraine has done an excellent job of humiliation, when it comes to Putin.
Bringing the war back home to Russia has been very successful.
The Russian people don’t feel safe in their own country anymore.
Putin can’t lie his way out of this situation.
He is a massive idiot
No, “delivering and let them use as they wish”
The US, UK and France have SSBN nuclear powered submarines lurking in the ocean. Hiding with nuclear tipped missiles. if Russia where to attack a NATO ally those submarines would launch a counter-value attack and turn Moscow and St Petersburg into a glass parking lot. This helps me sleep at night, because ai know Putin is not stupid enough to use nukes.
Arms dealers want the war to drag on and on, because there’s more profit. I think part of the US reluctance is due to pressure from weapons manufacturers.
Delivering weapons to Russia will also end the war faster
They’ve been saying that for 2+ years now.
If it weren’t for Rupert Murdoch Fox News style media in Russia, most Russians wouldn’t tolerate Putin and his media minions who claim they could be invaded at any moment.
Nobody wants to invade Russia (except maybe China, which has a long memory of land seizures by Imperial powers and a new thirst for rare earth elements).
Russia will not give up as they are not a cartoon villain.