Trump-Anhänger berichten von verschwommener Sicht und mysteriösen Symptomen, nachdem sie bei einer Kundgebung in Arizona hinter ihm saßen


  1. InspectionNo6750 on

    The fumes must have been intense. It must have smelled like an overfilled dumpster behind a fish restaurant at the peak of summer.

  2. Independent-Big1966 on

    I got the same symptoms visiting grandpa when he hadn’t changed his diaper in days

  3. LankyGuitar6528 on

    I hear if somebody farts in your face you can get Pink Eye. Just sayin.

  4. sonostanco72 on

    The my all got pink eye from the shit spewing from ass to mouth (ATM).

  5. redhairedrunner on

    Did they really get fucking pink eye from standing behind him? christ he must be awful to be around .

  6. LordParsec29 on

    You’d have to be dumb af to even consider being anywhere near this dumpster fire. He is desperate and willing to hurt anyone to get in the Whitehouse.

  7. HockeyRules9186 on

    Ah the stench of poop in his depends is reaching the appropriate audience.🔗🔗🔗🔗LOCK HIM UP🔗🔗🔗🔗 chants can be heard….

  8. SulfurInfect on

    Frankly, I can’t believe anyone would still willingly sit behind this fool when he’s already had multiple assassination attempts.

  9. OldEntertainer7337 on

    The combination of urine, flatulence, Tums, and White Shoulders is truly deadly.

  10. Could be a dangerous blowback if someone lights a match. There should be a hazardous warning sign in the back of Trump by his cult in the stands.

  11. We all know about his diet, he probably had McDonalds for breakfast and Taco Bell for lunch. Those people are lucky that bloated orange bastard didn’t fully shit himself or they’d have all been hospitalized.

  12. OlBobDobolina on

    They caught some fumes from his fake tan, hair spray and the odor blockers in his piss-soaked diaper all mixed together

  13. Methane and hydrogen sulphide poisoning. They shouldn’t have stayed downwind from their idol longer than 5 minutes.

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