Der Moment, wenn man keine neue Technologie bekommt, weil die Regierung zu egoistisch oder dumm ist, sie zu genehmigen. (Starlink)

Von Outrageous-Aside-419


  1. Ferizaj123 on

    Palidhje, per 100 euro nmujt sa pagun starlink secila kompani ta zgat kabllen ku tqohet kari deri midis mali full fiber.

  2. What evidence do you have that Starlink has even bothered to start the regulatory process in Kosovo?

    It’s a whole process that has to start with representatives of Starlink / SpaceX, who might not even have Kosovo in their agenda for the near future.

    There is 0 evidence to believe that the government is the one “delaying” the process.
    On top of that what reason do you think the government has for blocking new tech?
    Even IF they were egotistical, stupid or corrupt, I still can’t think of a reason why they would actively delay it.
    Iran or North Korea have reasons to block starlink, but not Kosovo.
    So there is no reason to automatically assume it’s the government fault.

  3. bohrmaschin3 on

    A munesh me na kallzu pak kronologjikisht se qka ka ndodhe n’lidhje me Starlinkun edhe Qeverine, se une kokna totall i painformum?

  4. Interneti ne Kosove eshte i limitum artificialisht prej duopolit ekzistues ne treg, nga IPKO edhe Devollt, nuk eshte krejtesishte e rastesishtme qe ofertat qe ofrohen nga keto 2 kompani (dhe nenkompanite e tyre) jane shume te ngjajshme dhe nuk ka ne asnje forme ndonje konkurrence po vetem se cila eshte me e favorshme sipas lokacionit.

    Po ashtu eshte shume reale edhe dukuria se kompanite qe krijojne presion ne treg me qmime me te volitshme blihen (ne nje menyre apo tjetren) nga ky duopol, Telkosi nje rast konkret.

    Une e paguaj oferten e njejte me qmim te njejte qe 5 vjet, realiteti eshte qe ne Kosove edhe pse depertimi i internetit eshte shume i larte shumica derrmuese e perdorin per lajme, social media, youtube/streaming, ku edhe nese je tu stream ne 4K nuk te duhet me shume se 200Mbps.

    Sipas meje shume me problematike eshte qe shteti nuk merr asnje hap kunder mono/duopoleve ekzistuese se qe nuk ka Starlink, po ti po din ti grahi.

  5. DardanianGOD on

    Kjo s’osht e vertet, zakonisht nese shtetet nuk jane te aprovune ja fusin qit arsye kishe pending.

  6. Oj djal Kosova nuk ka IP address…. qysh me regjistru një system pa IP adresë e shtetit?

  7. LucyThunder on

    a) starlink is stupid
    b) ipko works everywhere for me 5G
    c) starlink is 100€/month with a 500€ reciever
    d) ipko is faster
    e) elon probably does not want to do business with us and he is an apartheid enthusiast so why support him

  8. Soft_Temperature5184 on

    Bro would trade his country territorial integrity for slightly faster wifi💀💀

  9. Cautious-Passage-597 on

    na rrofsh bolet me kit postim t’kot. Ku tqohet Kari ki internet .

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