Jagmeet Singh sagt, die NDP werde die Liberalen bei einem Misstrauensvotum unterstützen



  1. Sharp_Yak2656 on

    Everyone already knew Jagmeet was blowing smoke when he broke the agreement. NDP is too broke for an election. I really hope Jagmeet gets voted out of politics so this party can become a feasible option one day. Jagmeet has negative credibility at this point.

  2. Senior_Attitude_3215 on

    No. I am shocked. Stunned I say. I’ll have to talk to the only two people on the planet who didn’t see this coming. Along with the Bloc, it would seem that he’s figured out he has zippo and zilcho to gain. He needs a year to work to convince voters he has something to offer them cause currently he sits at zippo and zilcho. Looking forward to another year of bullshit.

  3. HurlinVermin on

    Lol, told you so yesterday. He was never going to support a no confidence motion brought forward by the Cons.

  4. I figured this was the case. Not because the NDP and Bloc have confidence in the Liberals, but because they don’t want to give the Cons a majority right this moment with losses on their part. A year and a bit is a lot of time for things to change that can affect the scheduled election day.

  5. Beneficial_Life_3617 on

    This guy is just unbelievable.

    It’s funny how much that corrupt allegation struck a cord with him. I don’t know if he’s full on corrupt by the definition of the term but he’s definitely walking the line.

    Canadians will continue to suffer because of his incompetence and greed. He is as complicit as Trudeau for the state the country is in.

  6. Everyone knew ripping up the Supply and Confidence Agreement was just theatrics and meaningless. NDP won’t trigger an election until Fall 2025.

    Both the NDP and the Bloc can now squeeze the Liberals for whatever they want.

  7. And Singh plays right into Poilievre’s hand with this. The CPC attacks on the NDP that their cancelling of the supply and confidence deal was “just optics” are going to have teeth now that Singh’s decided to support the government. Continuing to support the Liberals isn’t going to enable him to effectively distance himself from them. He really backed himself into a corner.

  8. Pale-Tower- on

    So who’s backing Canadians and Canadians interests??? Anyone….no?

  9. BumbleStinger on

    I’m not one to get on the bandwagon of “Sellout Singh” or name calling in politics.

    But man, this guy does everything possible to NOT reinforce any of his beliefs or own policies.

  10. Sharktopotopus_Prime on

    Of course he will. Because the NDP’s withdrawal from the Supply and Confidence Agreement didn’t actually mean anything. It was just bad theatre.

    The LPC does not have a monopoly on empty suits.

  11. Professional-Cry8310 on

    Unsurprising. Look at the polls. They have absolutely zero to gain with an election.

    Looks like we’ll be waiting until October 2025 for the inevitable conservative blowout.

  12. magicbaconmachine on

    Singh just signed the end of his party with this move. No one will believe them going forward. They will have to kick him out to regain any credibility. What a shit show our viable 3 parties are ridiculous.

  13. Inthewind69 on

    Jagmeet needs to go ASAP. I really hope he gets voted out next election .

  14. I’m curious if that video of him confronting those chuds will cause people to think about him differently. I like him a heck of a lot more now after seeing him tell off those right-wing goobers.

  15. noBbatteries on

    To the surprise of absolutely no one. Either way the NDP are going to lose seats in the next election whether it was this year or next, so doesn’t make sense for them to speed up that process when they can still cling to the little bit of power they perceive to have

  16. In the beginning, Singh tore up the agreement.

    Then he shredded the agreement.

    Finally, he will burn down the agreement.

    Don’t test Jagmeet Singh’s resolve. He is deadly serious about his pension.

  17. This all just plays into the conservatives hands once there finally is an election. Clocks ticking now.

  18. creepystepdad72 on

    I don’t get it… They already saw the cards by the Bloq moving first – so their vote is irrevelant.

    Wouldn’t they have better leverage to vote against the LPC, saying, “We’re going to keep doing it every time until you push through our X, Y, Z policy”?

  19. Ding A Ling Singh And you wonder why people hate you and your party. What Anna poilievre said is so true.

  20. LuminousGrue on

    I mean he absolutely doesn’t have a choice, but there go any gains the party made by ripping up the confidence agreement.

  21. Election done in Elmwood-Transcona. I guess Mr. Singh thought it best he rejoin the coalition. I wonder how the vote would have gone if the agreement was never ‘ripped’ up?

  22. Nobody who pays attention was surprised by this. Many people are too broke to pay attention, so this is a surprise to too many people.

  23. WombRaider_3 on

    Smoke and mirrors, that’s all it ever will be. Can’t wait to vote out these idiots. Hope Jagmeet loses his seat and Justin stays even longer in the 4th spot to wallow as an irrelevant narcissist.

  24. amanduhhhugnkiss on

    Do some of you know how things work? Why TF would he hand a majority government to the CPC?

  25. Caveofthewinds on

    I hate how they threaten cuts to medical care. No one kind find a doctor and we have revolving ER closures. Paying full price for something we no longer receive doesn’t make sense anymore.

  26. Lopsided_Ad3051 on

    No, no no no no no no…. the agreement was tore up. Like totally ripped up. It’s been ripped up. It’s ripped very ripped.

  27. daveinthe6 on

    What is Jagmeets plan here? Does he really think he’s acting on behalf of his constituents? He’s done nothing but lose confidence ever since he made his deal with the devil.

    All of this is completely crooked.

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