Die Reaktion der JD Vance-Anhänger auf die Nachricht, dass die Federal Reserve die Zinsen gesenkt hat, ist der Höhepunkt von MAGA



  1. GloomyTraffic6700 on

    They get what is ostensibly good news for their day to day lives, and they boo it because it happened under Biden.

    Vance then shows he has a completely retarded understanding of what interest rates are by claiming they did not cut it enough.

  2. psilocin72 on

    He’s speaking to people who know nothing about economics. He can say whatever he wants and they will nod and clap. If they do they know he’s full of shit and they don’t care. He can be as dishonest as wants to be.

  3. WrinklyScroteSack on

    my boomer maga coworker told me yesterday, the fed cutting interest by a half a point is their admission that inflation is out of control…

  4. betelgeuse63110 on

    And just think – should Trump win the election (just vomited a little in my mouth), he likely will either die or become certified incapable during the term … and this town idiot would be the president. That is fucking scary.

  5. ExactDevelopment4892 on

    Maga isn’t about politics or making lives better it’s about cruelty towards people they hate. That is all it stands for.

  6. Big_McLargeHuge10 on

    When is the VP debate? I need Walz to take this guy down a few pegs.

  7. They don’t know the different between cutting taxes and lowering interest rates so they just boo lol

  8. Captain-Swank on

    Go ahead and boo.. I’ve seen what makes you cheer.

    “I love the poorly educated.” – DJT

  9. FlimsyConclusion on

    No matter who’s in charge inflation has begun cooling and interest rates are lowering. This is happening all around the world right now.

    GQP is acting like it’s some big conspiracy that the feds are trying to get Harris elected, but we all know if they get back in the Whitehouse the moment their foot’s in the door they’ll say it’s all because of their brilliant economic plan

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