Trump behauptet, das Publikum sei bei der Debatte mit Harris „durchgedreht“ – aber es gab kein Publikum


  1. Mike_Pences_Mother on

    That made me laugh so hard. This guy is fucking unbelievable.

  2. armchairmegalomaniac on

    Trump is starting to hallucinate audiences that aren’t there. Maybe, just maybe he’s too old for the job?

  3. newnewtonium on

    There was in his head. And man, they were wild for him. Loomer was there and Slovenia Barbie, and Taylor Swift dropped by too.

  4. TheBl4ckFox on

    If we built a replica of the white house, put him in it and put up speakers that played a loop of a crowd chanting his name, he would never bother the rest of us again.

  5. EssexBuoy1959 on

    Never has someone in such a position of power exhibited more apparent signs of mental illness without it, at best, being addressed and at least being reported on by mainstream media.

  6. Hi_Im_Dadbot on

    To be fair to Trump, the debate was more than a week ago, so he doesn’t really remember it.

  7. Expecting Trump to tell the truth at all about anything makes about as much sense as jumping off a building and expecting to fly.

  8. The_Jolly_Dog on

    It’s why he always has the “biggest crowds”. Dementia Don can’t tell reality from the lies he has made up in his head anymore

  9. DeadBeatRedditer on

    Is this the same audience that he’s waving to when he gets in and out of his motorcade or airplane?

  10. > It is unclear if Trump was referring to the TV ratings when he spoke about the “crazy” audience.

    I knew that media would try and explain away the answer.

    Guys. You don’t have to cover for him. He said something stupid. If he makes an excuse latter on, you can report it. But you don’t have to do it for him.

  11. resurrectedbydick on

    Well.. to be fair Kamala provided the laugh track at certain parts. It definitely made his more hype, just not in the right way.

  12. Mysterious_Link_7587 on

    I think I saw a photo a while back of him waving at NO ONE 😀

  13. New_Function_6407 on

    This guy is so scattered and such a huge national security risk. Might as well just give Putin the keys to the Pentagon if Trump wins.

  14. > they “corrected everything I said practically.”
    > They didn’t correct her once.

    That should be a campaign ad for Kamala.

  15. CubanLynx312 on

    The imaginary audience is a psychological state where someone believes that others are constantly watching and judging them. It’s a developmental variable that’s often heightened during adolescence.

  16. sonostanco72 on

    Further proof he has early stages of dementia and is living in an alternate universe of reality.

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