Das Team von Kpop Fusion in Europe postet eine Instastory, in der es behauptet, die Absage der Deutschlandtour durch die Agentur Yelo sei falsch und die Tour werde wie geplant stattfinden


  1. ivegotaqueso on


    Where’s a dumpster emoticon when you need one.

    Given that they write “we are in the final stages of negotiations” don’t get your hopes up. It would be a miracle if this doesn’t get cancelled.

    And honestly as an ABNEW I hope AB6IX don’t have to waste a month touring Germany in November. They’re already going to Hungary in early October for Mokkoji’s festival.

  2. SapphireHeaven on

    The CEO will get on stage to sing Jopping for 3 hours to entertain the crowd

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