Verfahren zur Zulassung der Lufttüchtigkeit für militärische Kleindrohnen vereinfacht und schnellerer Einsatz möglich


  1. > DAPA announces standard airworthiness certification criteria for drones with liftoff payloads<600kg

    > 125 criteria listed, >90% down from original, shortens testing time from one year to six months

    Faster deployment of military drones is expected to be possible as the airworthiness certification procedure for military drones is simplified down.

    The Defense Acquisition Program Administration revealed on the 18th that they had announced a ‘military-use aircraft standard airworthiness certification criteria’ specialized for small-sized drones last 11th.

    An airworthiness certificate is a certificate from the government that the aircraft is safe to fly, which DAPA bases their certification procedure upon.

    Recently, drone development leaders such as the US and Europe are tending to implement simplified airworthiness certification procedures with the perspective that applying complicated procedures similar to those used for manned aircrafts is not very practical.

    This newly announced list contains 125 certification criteria tailored to small-sized drones with less than 600 kg of liftoff payload.

    This is more than 90% down from the original list, and with this new declaration the airworthiness certification procedure, which normally takes longer than a year, can be finished within just six months.

    Since military usage of small-sized drones sold within the civilian market can be approved faster, it is projected that this measure can create a foundation for growing the nation’s drone industry, and make a swift acquisition of a drone force against North Korean threats possible.

    Kim Ildong, director of the Defense Industry Promotion Agency, said that ‘[DAPA] has implemented and is running a special, separate standard airworthiness certification criteria that benchmarks on foreign cases’, and ‘we hope that this will alleviate the threshold in the entryway to defense industries, and make it able for civilian drones to be swiftly militarized.’

  2. CheckNo3622 on

    Looks like military drones are about to take off faster than ever with this new certification process

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