Riri-chans ehemaliger „Gastgeber“ wurde zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, weil er 38,5 Millionen Yen (380.000 US-Dollar) von ihr erschlichen hatte. Staatsanwalt: „Er hat zum Betrug ermutigt“



  1. Shiningc00 on


    >A former “host” was prosecuted for the crime of accepting money for food and drinks fee from a woman who called herself “Riri-chan,” knowing that the money was obtained through fraud.

    >According to the indictment, Hiroshi Tanaka, 27, was charged with violating the Organized Crime Punishment Law by accepting 38.5 million yen ($275,000 USD) for food and drinks at a host club, knowing that the money was obtained by Mai “Riri-chan” Watanabe through fraud.

    >In previous trials, Tanaka had admitted to the charges.

    >At the trial on January 17, the prosecutors asked for 3 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of 1 million yen on the grounds that the defendant had said or acted in a way that encouraged Watanabe to make her believe that it was difficult to make a case for fraud.

    >The defendant’s side, on the other hand, requested a suspended sentence with no fine, on the grounds that “Tanaka had a subordinate relationship with the store and could not stop accepting money from Watanabe”.

    >The verdict is scheduled to be handed down on November 7.

  2. fredickhayek on

    Quick Clarification on the title / Auto translation:

    Defendent has already pleaded guilty to the charges.

    Pre-sentencing Court Appearance was on Sept. 17th,

    Prosecutors are requesting the 3 years, Defense is asking for probation.


    Ultimately, these guys are pushing girls to commit crimes / sell themselves, and happy to see police going after them as the source of the problems.

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